







<style type="text/css">
    .panel .WorkFlowCSSTableHeader { font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #999 !important; color: #fff !important; background-image: none; }
    .value { text-align: right; }
    #统计结果层 { width: 1450px; font-family: 'PingFang SC'; }
    .WorkFlowCSSTable { background-color: #333 !important; }
    .YellowBg td, .YellowBg, .WorkFlowCSSTable td.YellowBg { background-color: yellow !important; }
    .BlueBg td, .BlueBg, .WorkFlowCSSTable td.BlueBg { background-color: #BCD6EE !important; }
    .LighterYellowBg td, .LighterYellowBg, .WorkFlowCSSTable td.LighterYellowBg { background-color: #FFFFCC !important; }
    .DarkRedBg td, .DarkRedBg, .WorkFlowCSSTable td.DarkRedBg { background-color: #F8CBAC !important; }
<div class="panel panel-bordered CenterDIV Relative" style="margin-top: 10px; display: table; min-width: 100%;">
    <div class="panel-heading Relative">
        <h3 class="panel-title">年度预算报表</h3>
        <div id="YearDIV" style="position: absolute; left: 200px; top: 15px;"></div>
        <div style="position: absolute; left: 300px; top: 15px;">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="统计()">统计</button>
    <div class="panel-body" style="padding: 15px;">
        <div id="统计结果层"></div>

    DomReady(function ()
        Element.SetHtml($("#YearDIV"), GetCOMMONYEARSelectObjectHTML("Year", "", true, ""));

    function 统计()
        var Year = Element.GetValue($("#Year"));
        LoadServiceClass.LoadServiceInterfaceByDLLSetting("深度搜索插件.dll|标准项目插件.年度预算报表|统计", "年度预算统计", true, "统计结果层", GetLoadingMsg("正在加载..."), { Year: Year }, function (返回值)
        }, null, { ActionName: "年度预算统计" });


// <copyright file="年度预算报表.cs" company="企管宝">
//  CustomizedWCFUI
// </copyright>
// <author></author>
// <createdate></createdate>
// <revisionhistory>
// </revisionhistory>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using PublicFunctions;
using PublicFunctions.Service;
using PublicFunctions.Button;
using PublicFunctions.Form;
using PublicFunctions.Grid;
using PublicFunctions.PageTemplate;

namespace 标准项目插件
    /// <summary>
    /// 年度预算报表
    /// </summary>
    public class 年度预算报表 : ServiceFactoryBase
        #region 函数说明:构造函数
        /// <summary>
        /// 构造函数,必须保留
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ServiceData"></param>
        public 年度预算报表(ServiceDataModel ServiceData)
            : base(ServiceData)
        { }

        #region 函数说明:统计
        /// <summary>
        /// 统计
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AjaxResultModel 统计()
            AjaxResultModel AjaxResultObject = new AjaxResultModel();
            int Year = ConvertData.ConvertInt(PublicFunctions.PublicFunctions.GetDataFromDictionary("Year", ServiceData.RequestFormDictionary));
            using (PublicFunctions.DBHelper.RawDBHelper.SqlDataFactory context = new PublicFunctions.DBHelper.RawDBHelper.SqlDataFactory(PublicSetting.RawDBHelper_CRM_ConnectionStringKey))
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                List<int> MonthList = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 };
                List<int> QuarterList = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                Dictionary<int, List<int>> QuarterMonthListDictionary = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>() { { 1, new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 } }, { 2, new List<int>() { 4, 5, 6 } }, { 3, new List<int>() { 7, 8, 9 } }, { 4, new List<int>() { 10, 11, 12 } } };
                Dictionary<string, string> BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                List<SummaryResultModel> SummaryResultList = new List<SummaryResultModel>();

                #region  代码块说明:生成表头
                sb.Append("<table class=\"WorkFlowCSSTable FullWidth\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"WorkFlowCSSTableHeader\"> 类别 </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    sb.Append("<td class=\"WorkFlowCSSTableHeader\">" + Year + "." + i + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    sb.Append("<td class=\"WorkFlowCSSTableHeader\">" + i + "季度</td>");
                sb.Append("<td class=\"WorkFlowCSSTableHeader\">年度</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:一、签约统计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["签约统计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(ContractMoney,0)) from 合同会审主表 where IsFinished='true' and ContractCategory in('SaaS平台','数据标注') and ContractDate between '<$MinDate$>' and '<$MaxDate$>'";

                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 一、签约统计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + i + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["签约统计"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "收入总计预算", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].First() + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].Last()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["签约统计"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "收入总计预算", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-1-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, 12).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["签约统计"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "收入总计预算", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:签约额
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["销售合同金额"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(ContractMoney,0)) from 合同会审主表 where IsFinished='true' and ContractCategory in('SaaS平台') and ContractDate between '<$MinDate$>' and '<$MaxDate$>'";

                sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"2\"> 签约额 </td>");
                sb.Append("<td> 销售合同金额(SAAS平台) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + i + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["销售合同金额"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].First() + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].Last()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["销售合同金额"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-1-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, 12).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["销售合同金额"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["销售订单实际完工量"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(ContractMoney,0)) from 合同会审主表 where IsFinished='true' and ContractCategory in('数据标注') and ContractDate between '<$MinDate$>' and '<$MaxDate$>'";

                sb.Append("<td> 销售订单实际完工量(数据标注) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + i + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["销售订单实际完工量"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].First() + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].Last()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["销售订单实际完工量"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-1-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, 12).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["销售订单实际完工量"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:二、收入总计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["收入总计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(Money,0)) from 客户回款记录,合同会审主表 where 合同会审主表.ContractNO=客户回款记录.ContractNO and 客户回款记录.[Date] between '<$MinDate$>' and '<$MaxDate$>' and  合同会审主表.ContractCategory in('SaaS平台','数据标注','其他')";

                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 二、收入总计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + i + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["收入总计"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "收入总计实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].First() + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].Last()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["收入总计"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "收入总计实际", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-1-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, 12).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["收入总计"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "收入总计实际", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:外部实收
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["SAAS平台收入"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(Money,0)) from 客户回款记录,合同会审主表 where 合同会审主表.ContractNO=客户回款记录.ContractNO and 客户回款记录.[Date] between '<$MinDate$>' and '<$MaxDate$>' and  合同会审主表.ContractCategory in('SaaS平台')";

                sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"3\">外部实收</td>");
                sb.Append("<td> SAAS平台收入 </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + i + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["SAAS平台收入"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].First() + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].Last()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["SAAS平台收入"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-1-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, 12).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["SAAS平台收入"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["数据标注收入"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(Money,0)) from 客户回款记录,合同会审主表 where 合同会审主表.ContractNO=客户回款记录.ContractNO and 客户回款记录.[Date] between '<$MinDate$>' and '<$MaxDate$>' and  合同会审主表.ContractCategory in('数据标注')";

                sb.Append("<td> 数据标注收入 </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + i + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["数据标注收入"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].First() + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].Last()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["数据标注收入"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-1-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, 12).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["数据标注收入"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["其他收入"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(Money,0)) from 客户回款记录,合同会审主表 where 合同会审主表.ContractNO=客户回款记录.ContractNO and 客户回款记录.[Date] between '<$MinDate$>' and '<$MaxDate$>' and  合同会审主表.ContractCategory in('其他')";

                sb.Append("<td> 其他 </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + i + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他收入"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-" + QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].First() + "-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i].Last()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他收入"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    string MinDate = Year + "-1-1";
                    string MaxDate = PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, 12).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    decimal value = Summary(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他收入"], MinDate, MaxDate);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:三、成本总计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["成本总计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('员工成本','其他成本')";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"DarkRedBg\"> 三、成本总计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["成本总计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "成本总计预算", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["成本总计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "成本总计预算", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["成本总计"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "成本总计预算", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:三、成本总计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["成本总计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('员工成本','其他成本')";

                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 三、成本总计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["成本总计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "成本总计实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["成本总计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "成本总计实际", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["成本总计"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "成本总计实际", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:员工成本小计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目立项表.项目类型='研发部门' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目 in('员工成本')  and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>)";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 员工成本小计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:员工成本小计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目立项表.项目类型='研发部门' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目 in('员工成本')  and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>)";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 员工成本小计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:员工成本明细
                Dictionary<string, string> BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "研发部门", "员工成本");
                int x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目立项表.项目类型='研发部门' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目 in('员工成本') and  项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "' and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>)";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">员工成本<br />(主要统计研发部门)</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目立项表.项目类型='研发部门' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目 in('员工成本') and  项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'  and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>)";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工成本小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:其他成本小计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 一级科目 in('其他成本')  and 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>)";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 其他成本小计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:其他成本小计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 一级科目 in('其他成本')  and 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>)";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 其他成本小计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:其他成本明细
                BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "研发部门", "其他成本");
                x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 一级科目 in('其他成本') and  二级科目='" + pair.Key + "' and 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>)";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">其他成本</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 一级科目 in('其他成本') and  二级科目='" + pair.Key + "' and 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>)";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他成本小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:四、税金成本(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('税金')";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"DarkRedBg\"> 四、税金成本(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "税金成本预算", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "税金成本预算", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "税金成本预算", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:四、税金成本(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('税金')";

                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 四、税金成本(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "税金成本实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "税金成本实际", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "税金成本实际", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:其他成本明细
                BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "研发部门", "税金");
                x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('税金') and 二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">税金</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('税金') and 二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["税金成本"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:五、营业费用总计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["营业费用总计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and ( (项目立项表.项目类型='销售部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='员工费用')  OR (项目立项表.项目类型='市场部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='市场推广费用') OR 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='其他营业费用' )";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"DarkRedBg\"> 五、营业费用总计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["营业费用总计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "营业费用预算", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["营业费用总计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "营业费用预算", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["营业费用总计"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "营业费用预算", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:五、营业费用总计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["营业费用总计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and ( (项目立项表.项目类型='销售部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='员工费用')  OR (项目立项表.项目类型='市场部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='市场推广费用') OR 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='其他营业费用' )";

                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 五、营业费用总计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["营业费用总计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "营业费用实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["营业费用总计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "营业费用实际", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["营业费用总计"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "营业费用实际", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:员工费用小计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and ( (项目立项表.项目类型='销售部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='员工费用')  )";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 员工费用小计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:员工费用小计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and ( (项目立项表.项目类型='销售部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='员工费用')  )";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 员工费用小计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:员工费用明细
                BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "销售部", "员工费用");
                x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and ( (项目立项表.项目类型='销售部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='员工费用')  ) and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">员工费用<br>(销售部)</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and ( (项目立项表.项目类型='销售部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='员工费用')  ) and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:市场推广费用小计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and (  (项目立项表.项目类型='市场部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='市场推广费用')  )";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 市场推广费用小计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:市场推广费用小计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and (  (项目立项表.项目类型='市场部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='市场推广费用')  )";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 市场推广费用小计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:市场推广费用明细
                BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "市场部", "市场推广费用");
                x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and (  (项目立项表.项目类型='市场部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='市场推广费用')  ) and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">市场推广费用</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and (  (项目立项表.项目类型='市场部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='市场推广费用')  ) and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["市场推广费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:其他营业费用小计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目='其他营业费用'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 其他市场费用小计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:其他营业费用小计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目='其他营业费用'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 其他市场费用小计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:其他营业费用明细
                BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "研发部门", "其他营业费用");
                x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>)  and 一级科目='其他营业费用' and 二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">其他营业费用</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>)  and 一级科目='其他营业费用' and 二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他营业费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:六、管理费用和财务费用总计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["管理费用和财务费用总计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"DarkRedBg\"> 六、管理费用&财务费用总计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["管理费用和财务费用总计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "管理费用和财务费用预算", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["管理费用和财务费用总计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "管理费用和财务费用预算", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["管理费用和财务费用总计"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "管理费用和财务费用预算", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:六、管理费用和财务费用总计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["管理费用和财务费用总计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部'";

                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 六、管理费用&财务费用总计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["管理费用和财务费用总计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "管理费用和财务费用实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["管理费用和财务费用总计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "管理费用和财务费用实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["管理费用和财务费用总计"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "管理费用和财务费用实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:员工费用小计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='员工费用'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 员工费用小计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:员工费用小计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='员工费用'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 员工费用小计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:员工费用明细
                BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "职能部", "员工费用");
                x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='员工费用'  and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">员工费用</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='员工费用'  and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["员工费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:基础设施费用小计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='基础设施费用'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 基础设施费用小计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:基础设施费用小计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='基础设施费用'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 基础设施费用小计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:基础设施费用明细
                BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "职能部", "基础设施费用");
                x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='基础设施费用'  and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">基础设施费用</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='基础设施费用'  and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["基础设施费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:其他费用小计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='其他费用'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 其他费用小计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:其他费用小计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='其他费用'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 其他费用小计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:其他费用明细
                BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "职能部", "其他费用");
                x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='其他费用'  and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">其他费用</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='其他费用'  and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["其他费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:财务费用小计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='财务费用'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 财务费用小计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:财务费用小计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='财务费用'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\"> 财务费用小计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:财务费用明细
                BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "职能部", "财务费用");
                x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='财务费用'  and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">财务费用</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表,项目立项表 where 项目费用预算月度表.项目编码=项目立项表.项目编码 and 项目费用预算月度表.年='<$Year$>' and 项目费用预算月度表.月 in(<$Month$>) and 项目立项表.项目类型='职能部' and 项目费用预算月度表.一级科目='财务费用'  and 项目费用预算月度表.二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["财务费用小计"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:员工人数
                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 七、员工人数(实际当月数) </td>");
                Dictionary<int, decimal> MonthTotalEmployeeDictionary = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = CountTotalEmployee(context, Year + "-" + i + "-1", PublicFunctions.DateHelper.MonthHelper.GetLastDayOfMonth(Year, i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    MonthTotalEmployeeDictionary[i] = value;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "员工人数", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + value + "</td>");

                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = 0;
                    foreach (int month in QuarterMonthListDictionary[i])
                        value += MonthTotalEmployeeDictionary[month];
                    value = ConvertData.ConvertDecimal(value) / 3;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "员工人数", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    var value = MonthTotalEmployeeDictionary.Values.Sum();
                    value = ConvertData.ConvertDecimal(value) / MonthTotalEmployeeDictionary.Count;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "员工人数", SummaryType = "年", Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:八、费用调整(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('费用调整')";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"DarkRedBg\"> 八、费用调整总计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "费用调整预算", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "费用调整预算", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "费用调整预算", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:八、费用调整(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('费用调整')";

                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 八、费用调整(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "费用调整实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "费用调整实际", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "费用调整实际", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:费用调整明细
                BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "研发部门", "费用调整");
                x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('费用调整') and 二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">费用调整</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('费用调整') and 二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["费用调整"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:九、部门最终利润(预算)
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"DarkRedBg\"> 九、部门最终利润(预算发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 费用调整 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "费用调整预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 收入总计 - 成本总计 - 税金成本 - 营业费用 - 管理费和财务费 - 费用调整;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "部门最终利润预算", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 费用调整 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "费用调整预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 收入总计 - 成本总计 - 税金成本 - 营业费用 - 管理费和财务费 - 费用调整;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "部门最终利润预算", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 费用调整 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "费用调整预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 收入总计 - 成本总计 - 税金成本 - 营业费用 - 管理费和财务费 - 费用调整;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "部门最终利润预算", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:九、部门最终利润(实际发生额)
                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 九、部门最终利润(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 费用调整 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "费用调整实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 收入总计 - 成本总计 - 税金成本 - 营业费用 - 管理费和财务费 - 费用调整;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "部门最终利润实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 费用调整 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "费用调整实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 收入总计 - 成本总计 - 税金成本 - 营业费用 - 管理费和财务费 - 费用调整;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "部门最终利润实际", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 费用调整 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "费用调整实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 收入总计 - 成本总计 - 税金成本 - 营业费用 - 管理费和财务费 - 费用调整;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "部门最终利润实际", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:十、部门实际利润率(预算)
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"DarkRedBg\"> 十、部门实际利润率(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:十、部门实际利润率(实际)
                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 十、部门实际利润率(实际额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:十一、固定资产&无形资产采购小计(预算额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('固定资产')";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"DarkRedBg\"> 十一、固定资产&无形资产采购小计(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "固定资产预算", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "固定资产预算", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "固定资产预算", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:十一、固定资产&无形资产采购小计(实际发生额)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('固定资产')";

                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 十一、固定资产&无形资产采购小计(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "固定资产实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "固定资产实际", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, MonthList);
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "固定资产实际", SummaryType = "年", MonthORQuarter = 0, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:固定资产明细
                BudgetDictionary = GetBudgetDictionary(context, "研发部门", "固定资产");
                x = 0;
                if (BudgetDictionary.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in BudgetDictionary)
                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('固定资产') and 二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        if (x == 1)
                            sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"" + (BudgetDictionary.Count * 2) + "\">固定资产</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\">" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"BlueBg\"> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value BlueBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                        BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 一级科目 in('固定资产') and 二级科目='" + pair.Key + "'";

                        sb.Append("<td>" + pair.Value + "</td>");
                        sb.Append("<td> " + pair.Key + " </td>");
                        foreach (int i in MonthList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                            sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                        if (true)
                            decimal value = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产"], Year, MonthList);
                            sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:十四、利润分配(预算)
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"DarkRedBg\"> 十四、利润分配(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 * ConvertData.ConvertDecimal(0.25) : 0;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "利润分配预算", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 * ConvertData.ConvertDecimal(0.25) : 0;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "利润分配预算", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 * ConvertData.ConvertDecimal(0.25) : 0;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "利润分配预算", SummaryType = "年", Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:十四、利润分配(实际)
                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 十四、利润分配(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 * ConvertData.ConvertDecimal(0.25) : 0;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "利润分配实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 * ConvertData.ConvertDecimal(0.25) : 0;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "利润分配实际", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 * ConvertData.ConvertDecimal(0.25) : 0;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "利润分配实际", SummaryType = "年", Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:十五、内报税前利润(预算)
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"DarkRedBg\"> 十五、内报税前利润(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 利润分配 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "利润分配预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 - 利润分配;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "内报税前利润预算", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 利润分配 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "利润分配预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 - 利润分配;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "内报税前利润预算", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 利润分配 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "利润分配预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 - 利润分配;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "内报税前利润预算", SummaryType = "年", Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:十五、内报税前利润(实际)
                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 十五、内报税前利润(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 利润分配 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "利润分配实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 - 利润分配;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "内报税前利润实际", SummaryType = "月", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 利润分配 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "利润分配实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 - 利润分配;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "内报税前利润实际", SummaryType = "季", MonthORQuarter = i, Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 利润分配 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "利润分配实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = 部门最终利润 - 利润分配;
                    SummaryResultList.Add(new SummaryResultModel() { SummaryName = "内报税前利润实际", SummaryType = "年", Value = value });
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:十六、内报税前利润率(预算)
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"DarkRedBg\"> 十六、内报税前利润率(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 内报税前利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "内报税前利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 内报税前利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 内报税前利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "内报税前利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 内报税前利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 内报税前利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "内报税前利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 内报税前利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:十六、内报税前利润率(实际)
                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\"> 十六、内报税前利润率(实际发生额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 内报税前利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "内报税前利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 内报税前利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 内报税前利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "内报税前利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 内报税前利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 内报税前利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "内报税前利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((收入总计 > 0 ? 内报税前利润 / 收入总计 : 0) * 100);
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "%</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:部门效率评估

                #region 代码块说明:人均产值(预算额)
                sb.Append("<td rowspan=\"4\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\">部门效率评估</td>");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\">人均产值(预算额)</td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 收入总计 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 收入总计 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 收入总计 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:人均产值(实际额)
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\">人均产值(实际发生额)</td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 收入总计 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 收入总计 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 收入总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "收入总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 收入总计 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:人均利润(预算额)
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\">人均利润(预算额)</td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:人均利润(实际额)
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"LighterYellowBg\">人均利润(实际额)</td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value LighterYellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 部门最终利润 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "部门最终利润实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal 员工人数 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "员工人数" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();

                    decimal value = ConvertData.ConvertToDisplayMoney((员工人数 > 0 ? 部门最终利润 / 员工人数 : 0));
                    sb.Append("<td class='value YellowBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");


                #region 代码块说明:每月资金需求(预算)
                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产折旧"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 二级科目='固定资产折旧'";
                BaseSQLDictionary["无形资产摊销"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(预算金额,0)) from 项目费用预算月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 二级科目='无形资产摊销'";

                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\">              每月资金需求(预算额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "固定资产预算" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产折旧 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产折旧"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    decimal 无形资产摊销 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["无形资产摊销"], Year, new List<int>() { i });

                    decimal value = 成本总计 + 税金成本 + 营业费用 + 管理费和财务费 + 固定资产 - 固定资产折旧 - 无形资产摊销;
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "固定资产预算" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产折旧 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产折旧"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    decimal 无形资产摊销 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["无形资产摊销"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);

                    decimal value = 成本总计 + 税金成本 + 营业费用 + 管理费和财务费 + 固定资产 - 固定资产折旧 - 无形资产摊销;
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "固定资产预算" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产折旧 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产折旧"], Year, MonthList);
                    decimal 无形资产摊销 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["无形资产摊销"], Year, MonthList);

                    decimal value = 成本总计 + 税金成本 + 营业费用 + 管理费和财务费 + 固定资产 - 固定资产折旧 - 无形资产摊销;
                    sb.Append("<td class='value DarkRedBg'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:每月资金需求(实际)

                BaseSQLDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产折旧"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用实际月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 二级科目='固定资产折旧'";
                BaseSQLDictionary["无形资产摊销"] = "select value=sum(ISNULL(已发生,0)) from 项目费用实际月度表 where 年='<$Year$>' and 月 in(<$Month$>) and 二级科目='无形资产摊销'";

                sb.Append("<tr class=\"YellowBg\">");
                sb.Append("<td colspan=\"3\">              每月资金需求(实际额) </td>");
                foreach (int i in MonthList)
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "固定资产实际" && item.SummaryType == "月" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产折旧 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产折旧"], Year, new List<int>() { i });
                    decimal 无形资产摊销 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["无形资产摊销"], Year, new List<int>() { i });

                    decimal value = 成本总计 + 税金成本 + 营业费用 + 管理费和财务费 + 固定资产 - 固定资产折旧 - 无形资产摊销;
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                foreach (int i in QuarterList)
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "固定资产实际" && item.SummaryType == "季" && item.MonthORQuarter == i select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产折旧 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产折旧"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);
                    decimal 无形资产摊销 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["无形资产摊销"], Year, QuarterMonthListDictionary[i]);

                    decimal value = 成本总计 + 税金成本 + 营业费用 + 管理费和财务费 + 固定资产 - 固定资产折旧 - 无形资产摊销;
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");
                if (true)
                    decimal 成本总计 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "成本总计实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 税金成本 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "税金成本实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 营业费用 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "营业费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 管理费和财务费 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "管理费用和财务费用实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产 = (from item in SummaryResultList where item.SummaryName == "固定资产实际" && item.SummaryType == "年" select item.Value).Sum();
                    decimal 固定资产折旧 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["固定资产折旧"], Year, MonthList);
                    decimal 无形资产摊销 = SummaryBudget(context, BaseSQLDictionary["无形资产摊销"], Year, MonthList);

                    decimal value = 成本总计 + 税金成本 + 营业费用 + 管理费和财务费 + 固定资产 - 固定资产折旧 - 无形资产摊销;
                    sb.Append("<td class='value'>" + PublicFunctions.ConvertData.FormatQFZNumber(value) + "</td>");

                #region 代码块说明:生在表尾

                AjaxResultObject.Result = sb.ToString();
                AjaxResultObject.IsSuccess = true;
            AjaxResultObject.IsSuccess = true;
            return AjaxResultObject;

        #region 函数说明:Summary统计
        /// <summary>
        /// Summary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="sql"></param>
        /// <param name="MinDate"></param>
        /// <param name="MaxDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public decimal Summary(PublicFunctions.DBHelper.RawDBHelper.SqlDataFactory context, string sql, string MinDate, string MaxDate)
            sql = sql.Replace("<$MinDate$>", MinDate).Replace("<$MaxDate$>", MaxDate);
            return context.GetCellFieldValue<decimal>("value", sql);

        #region 函数说明:SummaryBudget预算成本统计
        /// <summary>
        /// SummaryBudget预算成本统计
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="sql"></param>
        /// <param name="Year"></param>
        /// <param name="MonthList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public decimal SummaryBudget(PublicFunctions.DBHelper.RawDBHelper.SqlDataFactory context, string sql, int Year, List<int> MonthList)
            sql = sql.Replace("<$Year$>", Year.ToString()).Replace("<$Month$>", string.Join(",", MonthList));
            return context.GetCellFieldValue<decimal>("value", sql);

        #region 函数说明:GetBudgetDictionary获得预算科目字典
        /// GetBudgetDictionary获得预算科目字典
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="项目类型"></param>
        /// <param name="一级科目"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary<string, string> GetBudgetDictionary(PublicFunctions.DBHelper.RawDBHelper.SqlDataFactory context, string 项目类型, string 一级科目)
            return context.GetDictionary("二级科目", "科目编码", "select 二级科目,科目编码 from 项目费用科目模板 where 项目类型='" + 项目类型 + "' and 一级科目='" + 一级科目 + "'");

        #region 函数说明:CountTotalEmployee统计在职人数
        /// <summary>
        /// CountTotalEmployee统计在职人数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="MinDate"></param>
        /// <param name="MaxDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int CountTotalEmployee(PublicFunctions.DBHelper.RawDBHelper.SqlDataFactory context, string MinDate, string MaxDate)
            string sql = "select count(1) from EmployeeTable where (InCompanyTime IS NOT NULL and InCompanyTime<='" + MinDate + "') and (QuitTime IS NULL OR QuitTime='1900-01-01' OR QuitTime>='" + MaxDate + "')";
            return context.CountSQL(sql);

        #region 类说明:SummaryResultModel统计结果模型类
        /// <summary>
        /// SummaryResultModel
        /// </summary>
        public class SummaryResultModel
            /// <summary>
            /// 统计结果名称
            /// </summary>
            public string SummaryName { get; set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// 统计类型(月、季、年)
            /// </summary>
            public string SummaryType { get; set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// 具体的月份或季度
            /// </summary>
            public int MonthORQuarter { get; set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// 统计值
            /// </summary>
            public decimal Value { get; set; }